- 脱机off-line
- 脱to shed
- 脱衣strip off
- 脱硫to decoke
- 脱衣服undress
- 论欧美英国哥特小说批评的转向On the Turn of the Foreign English Gothic Studies in Euro-American Countries
- 脱掉strip off
- 他是英国籍。He is of British nationality.
- 脱下vail
- 近欧(英国指比利时, 荷兰, 法国, 丹麦)near continent
- 从前英国的囚犯常被流放到澳大利亚。British prisoners used to be transported to Australia.
- 洗脱elution
- 他无疑是英国最好的网球手。He is unquestionably the best tennis player in England.
- 脱口秀talk show
- 他说话带着浓重的英国口音。He spoke with a pronounced English accent.
- 脱去shuck
- 他们拥戴他为英国国王。They made him king of England.
- 咖啡是从欧洲大陆传入英国的。Coffee was introduced into England from the Continent.
- 脱壳exuviate
- 英国是君主政体。Britain is a monarchy.