- 导师对此种轻率行为大吃一惊,向英国通信总部检举了他,于是他被开除了。The tutor, appalled by the indiscretion, reported him to GCHQ, and he was sacked.
- 政府通信管理体系正在建立和完善。Completing the government telecom regulatory system.
- 政府通信波段government band
- 我设法从英国通信总部借来了一部“哈盖林”样机,并把它放在我车子的后部行李箱内带回伦敦。I arranged to borrow one of GCHQ's sample Hagelins, and took it back up to London in the boot of my car.
- 政府government
- 总部general headquarters
- 我设法从英国通信总部借来了一部“哈盖林”样机,并把它放在我车子的后部行李箱内带回伦敦。I arranged to borrow one of GCHQ's sample Hagelins, and took it back up to London in the boot of my car.
- 英国政府Downing Street
- 美国国家安全局(NSA)已针对机密和敏感非机密政府通信系统采用椭圆曲线加密技术(ECC),该技术可为任何已知公钥机制提供无与伦比的每位安全性。Adopted by the National Security Agency (NSA) for classified and sensitive but unclassified government communications, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) provides the most security per bit of any known public-key scheme.
- 英国政府对此事有何想法?What does Downing Street think of the matter?
- 英国政府已经拒绝让步。The Downing Street has refused to compromise.
- 英国政府体系The UK system of government
- 隶属在英国政府之下under the British government
- 英国政府内阁中地位较高的官员。(British) the job of a senior minister who is a member of the British cabinet.
- 英国政府从一开始就左右为难。The British Government were in a dilemma from the beginning.
- 在这些方面英国政府都有长足贡献。The British rule has made significant contributions in these developments.
- 英国政府感到这件事是不公平的。The British government felt the whole business wasn't quite cricket.
- 英国政府任命新外相New Ministerial Appointments in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- 英国政府中负责海军的政府办事部门。British government office which is in charge of the navy.
- 英国政府使英镑贬值了。The British government devalued the pound.