- 简评《詹姆士论心灵研究》、《詹姆士书信选辑》、《詹姆士的思想和性格》William James on psychical Research.Compiled and edited by Gardner Murphy and Robert O. Ballou.The Selected Letters of WillIam James.Edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Hardwick.The Thought and Character of William James.By Ralph Barton Perry
- 心灵研究psychic
- 酒会由泰瑞格林先生主持,英国证券法研究协会荣誉财政主管Cocktails, hosted by the British Institute of Securities Laws - Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Tarrant Green, FCA
- 心灵研究学会SPR
- 胎球蛋白与冠心病病人二尖瓣环钙化及主动脉瓣狭窄的关系:数据来自心脏及心灵研究Association of fetuin-A with mitral annular calcification and aortic stenosis among persons with coronary heart disease: data from the Heart and Soul Study
- 英国靴业研究协会B. B. S. A. T. R. A. British Boot, Shoe and Allied Trande Research Association
- 心灵(n) internal spirit
- 即使身为整体论者而非化约论者、即使认识与心灵研究有关的人,或是读到他人发生的怪事,也不会改变这个事实。And being a holist instead of a reductionist, being related to psychics, or reading about weird things that befall people does not change this fact.
- 英国社会科学研究协会The British Social Science Research Council
- 心灵的psychological
- 通过对这些的研究,我们了解了大量有关地球的内部情况。It was from the study of these that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth.
- 欧洲全球研究协会European Society for Ecumenical Research
- 心灵感应telepathy
- 国际梵文研究协会International Association of Sanskrit Studies
- 北欧国际研究协会Nordic International Studies Association
- 东非医学研究协会;East African Institute for Medical Research;
- 欧洲人口研究协会;European Association for Population Studies;
- 精神生理学研究心灵、行为和身体机制之间相互关系的学科The study of correlations between the mind, behavior, and bodily mechanisms.
- 欧洲全球研究协会;European Society for Ecumenical Research;
- 国际梵文研究协会;AIMFR; International Association of Sanskrit Studies;