- 补充疗法与英国国家医疗卫生服务体系不应因成本效益证据不确定而排除补充医学于综述和指南之外Complementary therapies and the NHS Uncertain evidence of cost effectiveness should not exclude complementary medicine from reviews ane guidelines
- 英国医疗总局中各类工作人员的职业健康要求Occupational health requirements within specialist units in the NHS
- 对地域性公共服务差异的担忧说明了英国国家医疗服务系统权利还是十分集中,尽管地方要求更多的发言权的呼吁声不断。Fear of a "postcode lottery" helps explain why the NHS remains so centralised, despite frequent calls for more local say.
- 国家医疗保障national healthcare insurance
- 医疗medical treatment
- 总局master office
- 国家医疗工作规划SMSP; state medical service plan
- 课程结合英国国家语言标准及欧洲考试协会通用认证系统Mapped against UK National Language Standards and the Council of Europe Common European Framework
- 医疗保险medical insurance
- 国家环保总局State Environmental Protection Administration
- 国家体育总局State Physical Culture Administration
- 医疗器械medical appliance
- 英国国家物理实验室材料研究100年庆李依依院士转赠图书馆。A Celebration of 100 Years of Materials Research at the National Physical Laboratory.
- 英国国家审计署National Audit Office of the United Kingdom
- 医疗设备armarium
- 医疗机构medical institution
- 英国国家处方集British National Formulary
- 医疗的iatrical
- 英国国家药品集BNF; British National Formulary