- 人生的苦乐the sweet and sour of life
- 苦乐sweet and sour
- 苦bitter
- 在找寻过程中她讲述了一个辛酸,却又苦乐参半的故事。Along the way she tells a poignant, bittersweet story.
- 苦的brinish
- 无论祸福in weal and woe
- 人生之苦乐the sweets and bitters of life
- 同乐happy together
- 良药苦口bitter pills have a wholesome effect
- 乐在其中find pleasure in it
- 苦行penitentially
- 同乐会funfest
- 用心良苦have given much thought to the matter
- 和你一起工作真是件乐事。It is a pleasure to work with you.
- 冥思苦想contemplate
- 愁眉苦脸pull a long face
- 苦艾酒vermouth
- 苦读swot
- 苦差事drudgery
- 苦茶bitter tea