- 欧洲环保团体警告说,厂商为开辟油棕园,夷平了热带森林,摧毁了猩猩与苏门答腊犀牛的栖息地,还排放温室气体。European conservation groups have been warning that tropical forests are being leveled to make way for oil palm plantations, destroying habitat for orangutans and Sumatran rhinoceroses while also releasing greenhouse gases.
- 这四块粪便产自四种不同的犀牛,分别是白犀牛、黑犀牛、印度犀牛和苏门答腊犀牛。由于爪哇犀牛十分稀有,因此未能收集到这种犀牛的粪便样本。The pieces come from four of the five types of rhino: white, black, Indian and Sumatran. The Javan rhino is so rare that a sample could not be collected.
- 钻孔差应变仪观测的苏门答腊大地震激发的地球环型自由振荡Earth's free torsional oscillations of the great Sumatra earthquake observed with borehole shear strainmeter
- 该拍卖活动将于本周日结束。截至本周四下午,竞拍价尚未达到理想水平,苏门答腊犀牛粪的当前拍价最高,达到500美元;黑犀牛粪为255美元,印度犀牛粪和白犀牛粪分别为250美元和122.5美元。The auction ends Sunday and as of Thursday afternoon bidding had been light, with the top bid for Sumatran rhino poop standing at %24500. Black rhino poop was standing at %24255, Indian was at %24250 and white was at %24122.50.
- 由余仁生赞助硫磺是中国制造火药的主要原料。它来自火山活跃的苏门答腊岛。Sulphur Sponsored by Eu Yan Sang Sulphur was an important ingredient in the Chinese's manufacture of gunpowder. It came from the volcanically active island of Sumatra.
- 苏门答腊和中爪哇将被列入将于8月份开始的下一个阶段的大规模免疫接种运动。Sumatra and Central Java will be included in the next phase of the large-scale immunization campaigns, which will start from August.
- 它的主要岛屿是苏门答腊,爪哇,巴厘,苏拉威西和加里曼丹。Its main islands are Sumatra, Java, Bali, Sulawesi and Kalimantan.
- 世界自然基金会有关官员于近日表示,科学家们已经在位于马来西亚东部婆罗洲上的沙巴州发现了一小群苏门答腊犀牛,而它们一直被认为是目前世界上处境最为危险的犀牛品种之一。A tiny population of the world's most endangered species of rhino has been found in Malaysia's eastern Sabah state on Borneo island, giving hope the animals can be saved, the WWF conservation group said.
- 苏门答腊Sumatra
- 此次地震是沿着地壳的印澳和欧亚结构板块的结合带、苏门答腊以西水域发生的。The earthquake happened along a line where the Earth's Indo-Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates grind together, in the waters west of Sumatra.
- 苏门答腊岛Sumatra
- 苏门答腊地震断层在洋底自北向南成扇形展开,而海啸巨浪则自西向东扑向海岸。In the case of the Sumatra quake, the seismic fault fan north to south beneath the ocean floor, while the tsunami waves shot out west and east.
- 但是2004年12月,发生在断层带上端、苏门答腊西北方的地震,却让科学家感到困惑。But they were puzzled when the tsunami-producing event of December 2004 originated in the upper part of this region, just northwest of Sumatra.
- 属于或关于苏门答腊岛或其居民的。of or relating to the island of Sumatra or its inhabitants.
- 苏门答腊斗鸡Sumatra
- 产于马来半岛和苏门答腊岛的貘。a tapir found in Malaya and Sumatra.
- 苏门答腊樟脑Sumatra camphor
- 苏门答腊黄疸Sumatra jaundice
- 苏门答腊蜱热[医] Sumatran mite fever
- 苏门答腊螨热Sumatran mite fever