- 苏菲-玛索出演的这位具有致命诱惑力的现代女郎与她自身非常得契合。Sophie Marceau is a modern and it suits her well.
- 苏菲-玛索以其优雅的智慧饰演了这位瑞士家庭女教师。French actress, Sophie Marceau, takes on the role of the Swiss mother/ governess with gracious intelligence.
- 苏菲-玛索扮演的玛吉光彩照人:在每个场景她都牢牢得吸引住了观众的视线。。Sophie Marceau is dazzling as the alluring Marquise: she captivates at every scene.
- 苏菲Sufi
- 苏菲-玛索只要出现在银幕上,即使不用表演什么,至少也有一半的观众只要看到了她就会露出笑容。Sophie Marceau, on the other hand, could just appear on the screen, do nothing, and make at least half the audience smile just by watching her.
- 作为当今最优秀的女演员之一,玛索的出场极具慑服力,只要一个眼神,似乎就已道尽了千言万语。One of the finest actresses of today, Marceau has tremendous presence and can speak volumes with a single glance.
- 所以观看《云上的日子》,享受安东尼奥尼通过镜头对年轻的玛索那令人震惊的美丽的抚摸,是不需要感到难堪的。It is no shame to attend Beyond the Clouds to enjoy Antonioni's cinematic caresses of the youthful Sophie Marceau's breathtakingly voluptuous beauty.
- 当片中的玛索和父母或朋友相处时,她自如在固执与奔放两种个性之间进行转换,这令她成为了一个有说服力的少女。Miss Marceau is convincingly obstinate and bubbly by turns, depending on whether she's with her parents or with her friends, which certainly makes her a convincing teen-ager.
- 苏菲哲学Sufism
- 苏菲开始读信。Sophie began to read.
- 由于在《勇敢的心》中出演梅尔-吉布森的法兰西情人而蜚声国际,玛索在银幕上的不可抗拒的魅力常常令她超越单薄的角色而成为受人喜爱、人同情的人物。Best known for being Mel Gibson's love interest in" Braveheart" and appearing in" Firelight," Marceau has a great on-screen charisma that easily transcends her paper-thin role and makes her a likeable, sympathetic character.
- 苏菲深深的神秘主义引起了传统穆斯林的担心,产生了敌意的批评。The depth of Sufi mysticism arouses fear among orthodox Muslims, generating hostile criticism.
- 苏菲,我想给你一个承诺,可是怕承诺会梆着你,让你失去自由。Sophie, I want to give you a promise, but I'm afraid this promise will hold you back and not give you any freedom.
- 苏菲,你还在读信吗?Are you still there Sophie?
- 苏菲开始向妈妈提问。Sophie started to ask her questions.
- “我不知道,苏菲。”其中“苏菲”是呼格,代表被称呼的一方。"I don't know, Sophie." Sophie is a vocative expression indicating the party who is being addressed.
- 你喜欢那部电影吗,苏菲?How did you like the movie, Sophie?
- 苏菲穿上比基尼然后去游泳。Sophie put on her bikini and went swimming.
- 苏菲觉得哲学家说得没错。Sophie saw that the philosopher was right.
- “不许这样对我讲话,苏菲I will not be spoken to like that, Sophie!