- 类似苏格兰裙的服装妇女、女孩和男孩穿的苏格兰褶叠短裙的类似品A similar skirt worn by women, girls, and boys.
- 在众多展秀上,白色也成为了男模的做秀之物。多位设计师都推出了白色套装、白色配饰,甚至是白色的苏格兰裙。White was also sported by male models at many shows. White suits, white accessories and even a white kilt were presented by various designers.
- 在众多展秀上,白色也成为了男模的做秀之物。多位设计师都推出了白色套装、白色配饰,甚至是白色的苏格兰裙。White was also sported by male models at many shows. White suits, white accessories and even a white kilt were presented by various designers.
- 昏暗的房间、燃烧的蜡烛、花儿们、一个近乎裸体只穿着苏格兰裙的性感中国美女站在床上、巧克力已经藏在手里了。Dark bedroom.Burning candle. Flower. And a feckly naked sexy chinese girl with kilt was standing in bed. Some choclates hiding in hands.
- 苏格兰Scotland
- 苏格兰人Scotch
- 裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress.
- 苏格兰的Scottish
- 她穿一件丝绒连衫裙。She wore a velvet dress.
- 她的连衫裙用褶边装饰。Her dress was adorned with ruffles.
- 再吃点苏格兰羊杂碎好吗?Would you like some more haggis?
- 所有漂亮的女士都穿着最漂亮的连衫裙。All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.
- 就我个人而言,我对苏格兰挺满意。Personally, I am quite content with Scotland.
- 她的连衫裙是用薄绸做成的。Her dress was of silk tissue.
- 女王赴苏格兰御邸。The queen betook herself to her residence in Scotland.
- 她的裙长过膝。Her skirt came below her knees.
- 苏格兰威士忌Scotch whisky
- 饰裙褶或皱襞于To decorate with a ruffle or flounce.
- 苏格兰有它自己的刑法。Scotland has its own criminal law.
- 鞍形裙corso skirt