- 每个蜡快行连续切片做(1) 苏木素-伊红染色,(2) Hp免疫组化染色,(3) 双重染色;Serial paraffin sections were made from every tissue and and stained as follows: (1)hematoxylin and eosin stain, (2) immunostaining for Hp, and (3) double-staining using human gastric mucin (M1) immunostaining and alcian blue (AB).
- 感染长角血蜱幼虫的兔皮肤有损伤和炎症反应,其附近有一虫体(苏木素伊红染色,41Exposed to Haemaphysalis longicornis larvae skin, the picture showed the damage and inflammation, there is a larva near the wound(Haematoidin-Eosin staining, 41
- 组织病理学上的变化则经膝关节切片后以伊红性洋苏木素染色于光学显微镜下观察。The changes in their arthritic severity after sonication treatment and two months after treatment were measured using 99m-Tc bone scan.
- 几种苏木精-伊红染色液的改进和使用The Improvenent and Application of Kings of Hematoxylin-Eosine Solution
- 巴西苏木素brazilin
- 玫瑰红rose colour
- 霉素zymoid
- 玫红rhodo
- 最红的best-selling
- 阿霉素adriamycin
- 原苏木素Aprotosappanin A
- 女红needlecraft
- 变红redden
- 以吖啶橙(AO)作探针研究了苏木素(HE)与DNA的相互作用.The interaction of hematoxylin (HE) with DNA was studied by using acridine orange (AO) as a probe.
- 粗糙的毛纺布料;起初用于内衣,通常带有光亮的红染色a coarse woolen cloth formerly used for undergarments and usually dyed bright red
- HE切片中苏木素沉渣去除方法探讨Elimination of hematoxylin sediments in HE sections
- 但有症状的嗜伊红性腹膜炎短期以类固醇或抗组织胺药物治疗是有帮助。However, symptomatic eosinophilic peritonitis can benefit from short courses of therapy with steroids or antihistamine.
- 苏木素沉渣hematoxylin sediment
- 现场条件下痰涂片查抗酸杆菌石炭酸复红染色方法的差异Performance of variations of carbolfuchsin staining of sputum smears for AFB under field conditions
- 伊霉素elaiomycin