- 英国超市特易购拟在美国扩张Tesco reveals plans for chain of US stores
- 制造工艺:设计的产品结构简单,流程先进,零件易购。Manufacturing components: simple structure, advanced process; components can be easily found, bought and manufactured.
- 两家公司在董事会将拥有同样的地位,特易购将派人出任公司总裁,顶新将保留董事长和首席执行官职位。The companies will have equal representation on the board, with Tesco poised to name the venture's president and Ting Hsin to retain the chairman and chief executive post.
- 凡在苏宁银河国际购物广场消费时已使用VIP卡打折或累积积分的会员,不能再申办VIP卡。Any member who has already used the VIP card for discount or credits accumulation in Suny Galaxy International Shopping Plaza cannot apply any VIP card again.
- 乐购拥有25家超市,而特易购的报价则是乐购去年利润的50多倍。这一报价突出表明,投资者准备为进入中国付出高价。The price offered by Tesco, which values the 25-superstore group at more than 50-times last year's earnings, underlines the high valuations investors are prepared to pay to buy into China.
- 导购shopping guide; guide-purchases
- 本周,中国央行副行长苏宁在北京举行的一个国际会议上表示,由于上述措施,中国的货币供应“明显”放缓。Su Ning, the deputy central bank governor, said this week at an international conference in Beijing that the country's money supply was slowing "dramatically" as a result of these measures.
- 易损件wearing parts
- 换购purchase on a barter basis; barter
- 低值易耗品low priced and easily worn articles
- 请购to request the purchase
- 易读readability
- 易怒testiness
- 回购repo
- 易受liable to
- 购单buying order
- 易怒的badtempered
- 易用性ease for use
- 请购单requisition form
- 易用easy-to-use