- 苏revive
- 激进主义与生俱来的不信任感An inbred distrust of radicalism.
- 人的才干与生俱来。Each man have an aptitude bear with him.
- 多年来for the past many years
- 俱entirely
- 与生俱来的inherent
- 由于与生俱来的天性。through inherent nature.
- 与生俱来的富有和社会地位A heritage of affluence and social position.
- 与生俱来inherent; inborn
- 天才是与生俱来的A poet is born, not made
- 亚当后代的与生俱来的罪恶感。a sin inherited by all descendants of Adam.
- 即使她从不念书,但她与生俱来的敏锐聪颖使她成为学校里数学最好的学生。Although she never studied, her inborn acumen made her the best math student at her school.
- 爱是与生俱来的力量!The love is the innate strength.
- 我对虚荣的厌恶是与生俱来的。my dislike of him was instinctive.
- 然而 ,用于表达 Web页面信息的 HTML语言存在着与生俱来的缺点 .However, there exist inherent drawbacks in the HTML language used to represent information of Web pages.
- 他们认为,性取向是与生俱来的,而选择一夫多妻则会带来严重的社会后果。They argue that sexuality is intrinsic, while polygamy is a choice with grievous social consequences.
- 商品兴俱来的戏剧性inherent drama
- 与生俱来的狡猾/机智/才智native cunning/wit/intelligence
- 他与生俱来,应有尽有。He had had all the advantages of birth
- 良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。Good memory is your born gift.