- 商界人士对组件技术感兴趣的原因就是能更快地将其产品投放市场,并把钱花在刀刃上。The reason business people are interested in component technology is that you can get your products to market much more quickly and that puts money on the bottom line.
- 尽量把资源用在主要目标上,把时间花在刀刃上。Consume as much material about your prime focus as you can budget.
- 把钱花在刀刃上Lay out one's money to advantage
- 在我们花钱花力气控告这个人以前,你必须使我相信你的控告是有充分理由的。But before we go to trouble and expense of proceeding against this man I must be satisfied that your charges are well founded .
- 飞机的螺旋推进器周围的使防冻剂分布在刀刃上的管状环。tubular ring around the propeller hub of an airplane through which antifreeze solution is spread over the blades.
- 在我们花钱花力气控告这个人以前,你必须使我相信你的控告是有充分理由的。But before we go to trouble and expense of proceeding against this man I must be satisfied that your charges are well founded.
- 好钢使在刀刃上。Good steel should be used for the making of the sword's blade;Let the best horse leap the hedge first.
- 好钢用在刀刃上。Use the best material at the key point.
- 我的大部分时间花在学习上。A large proportion of my time is spent in studying.
- 但教得再好,学生不能同时学得更好,显然还是有问题,力气没有用在刀刃上。But if that better teaching does not produce patently better English learning, something is clearly wrong, the effort is misdirected.
- 他的收入有一部分花在买书上,可是他认为这是值得的。A part of his income goes on books; but he thinks it's money well spent.
- 帕蒂说,"修正法案是要将不多的联邦资源用在刀刃上,用在最能发挥作用的地方。''The amendment targets scarce federal resources to where they will work best,'' said its author, Sen.Patty Murray, D-Wash.
- “他花钱大方吗?”“一点也不。他甚至不愿意把钱花在自己身上。”"Is he generous with his money? ""Far from it. He doesn't even like to spend it on himself."
- 马特.唐肯给我介绍了他的一位朋友名叫帕特里克.费尔。费尔先生曾受训于一位二战期间在刀刃上的工作(指暗杀)方面非常活跃的剑术大师。Matt Temkin introduced me to a friend of his named Patrick Fair. Mr. Fair had trained under a "fencing" maestro who was very active in clandestine blade work during WWII.
- 我比同伴们聪明,因为我花在灯油上的钱比他们落的酒钱还多。I become wiser than my companion because I spend more in oil than they in wine.
- 他把花在打扮上的时间省下来,却用到了玩忽职守上去。The time he can spare from the adornment of his person he devote to the neglect of his duty.
- 尽量把资源用在主要目标上,把时间花在刀刃上。Consume as much material about your prime focus as you can budget.
- 那些碟子你还没有洗吗?我弄不懂你都把时间花在什么上了。Haven't you got those dishes done yet? It beats me what you do with your time.
- 但如果教得更好,学生不能同时明显地学得更好,显然还是有问题,力气没有用在刀刃上。But if that better teaching does not produce patently better English learning,something is clearly wrong,the effort is misdirected.
- 那些碟子你还没有洗吗?我弄不懂你都把时间花在什么上了。Haven't you got those dishes done yet? It beats me what you do with your time.