- 水霸water despot
- 花脸painted-face character
- 我们的灌溉系统在这个河道开始,但是流进这个凹槽,让灌溉水霸充满水。"Our irrigation system starts off at this channel here but comes into this pit which in turn fills up our irrigation lake or dam..."
- 花脸鸭Anas formosa
- 花脸齿鹑basked bobwhite
- 花脸雉Tityra(Masked tityra)
- 花脸香蘑Lepista sordida
- 花脸细辛largeflower wildginger herb
- 苹果花脸病apple rough skin disease
- 花脸状条纹surface flecks defect
- 花脸细辛,大叶细辛Asarum maximum Hemsl.
- “架子花脸”outlaw heroes
- 浅谈"架子花脸铜锤唱"On "Painted-face Role of Jiazi Singing in the Way of Painted-face Role of Tongchui"
- “花脸”上的图案和颜色有一定的象征意义。The colors and patterns on their "painter" faces have some symbolic meanings.
- 看他的扮相和念白就知道他是架子花脸。From his make-up and way of speaking I can judge that he is playing the painted-face role in the opera.
- 野生食用菌花脸香蘑菌丝体生物学特性研究初报Study on the biological characteristics of Lepista sordida Sing hypha
- 分为:武生,小生,花脸或黑头(可好可坏,由脸谱和胡须颜色定),"They are: the military hero (wusheng); the handsome young man or scholar (xi- aosheng); the "painted face"( hualian ) or "blackhead"(heitou), who may be brave or evil according to the design paintedon his face and the color of his long beard;"
- 有造诣的花脸演员都是在演出前自己勾脸,而且每个人的勾法都不相同。All the talented Hualian actors paint their faces by themselves before performing and each has a unique way of doing it.
- 漆膜光滑、平整,没有针孔,花脸,不起泡,粒度不能过大;无漏涂部位,无流挂现象。The final finish is smooth with no pinholes, no uneven painting and no bubbles. The granularity can not be too big, no leak painting, no sag painting etc.
- 漆膜光滑、整,没有针孔,花脸,不起泡,粒度不能过大;无漏涂部位,无流挂现象。The final finish is smooth with no pinholes, no uneven painting and no bubbles. The granularity can not be too big, no leak painting, no sag painting etc.