- 天使angel
- 天使的hierachical
- 小天使angelet
- 芙罗拉花神The goddess of flowers.
- 味如花神、绿土、Tasting of Flora and the country green
- 炽天使seraph
- 花神星-小行星8号Flora
- 大天使archangel
- 我可以毫不夸张地说她是个天使。I can say without exaggeration that she is an angel.
- 轻柔的西风之神;植物群;弗洛拉,花神Milde, as when Zephyrus on Flora breathes
- 在希腊传说中,玫瑰是希腊花神克罗斯创造的。In Greek legend, the rose was created by Chloris, the Greek goddess of flowers.
- 天使般的angelical
- 六翼天使seraph
- 人们参照四季的更替,把阿佛洛狄忒也视为花神和花园女神。a reference to the change of seasons, which finds its explanation in the fact of Aphrodite being also goddess of gardens and flowers.
- 马兰山上,到处开满了美丽的马兰花,勤劳的采花女小兰嫁给了花神马郎。Beautiful Malan flowers were blossoming everywhere on Malan Mountain, and hard-working girl Xiao Lan was married to the god of flowers, Ma Lang.
- 天使长archangel
- 那一年闰二月,天妃庙赛会的时候,扮十二花神里面的牡丹娘娘的就是她--那时她还是女子;One year, during the celebration of the Temple of the Celestial Queen in the second month of the Lunar Calendar, she was the one who played the part of the Peony Fairy among the twelve who dressed up for the part of the Twelve Floral Fairies. She was then still a young girl.
- 天使在人间Date with an Angel
- 那一年闰二月,天妃庙赛会的时候,扮十二花神里面的牡丹娘娘的就是她--那时她还是女孩。One year,during the celebration of the Temple of the Celestial Queen in the second month of the Lunar Calendar,she was the one who played the part of the Peony Fairy among the twelve who dressed up for the part of the Twelve Floral Fairies. She was then still a young girl.
- 天使鱼angelfish