- 鳗eel
- 我用了一整个上午平整花园。I spent the whole morning spading the garden.
- 她坐在花园里晒太阳。She sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine.
- 北美洲鳗形水生蝾螈,前肢非常小,无后肢;有永久性外部腮。eel-like aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills.
- 园丁正在用软管输水浇花园。The gardener is hosing the garden.
- 钓鳗sniggle for eels
- 太阳照射整个花园。The sun was raying across the garden.
- 他用一只捕鳗叉捕鳗鱼。He used an eel spear to catch an eel.
- 一道墙把我们的花园和他们的隔开。A wall divides our garden from theirs.
- 花园该浇水了。The garden needs watering.
- 八目鳗lamprey(Lampetra fluviatilis)
- 八日鳗lamprey
- 大风将摧毁我的花园。The wind will wreak havoc on my garden.
- 那个花园城市吸引许多游客。The garden city attracts many tourists.
- 八目鳗类鱼hagfish
- 花园中群芳争艳。In the garden flowers vie with each other in beauty.
- 捕鳗者eeler
- 你可以随意到我家和花园来玩。You have the freedom of my house and gardens.
- 菜心素鳗mustard green stem with vegetarian eel
- 花园中阳光普照。The garden was bathed in sunlight.