- 花flower
- 花开bloom
- 花的floristic
- 开花abloom
- 小花flowerlet
- 他开了个洋车厂子。So he started a rickshaw business.
- 如花flowery
- 他以前在我们厂子工作。He used to work in our factory.
- 花痴anthomaniac
- 你必须小心谨慎地管理这个厂子。you must treat this plant just so.
- 花火petard
- 伯恩: 李先生,你最喜欢哪个厂子?Mr Li, which factory do you like most?
- 后来到底由石厂子那儿,送来了一个信。At length he did receive a message from the stone-mason's yard.
- 种花floriculture
- 后来到底由石厂子那儿,送来了一个信。At length he did receive a message from the stone-mason's yard.
- 水性杨花wanton
- 我的厂子是国家财产,凭什么白给你几百万。My yard is state property and white what you several million dollars.
- 风花雪月sentimental writings of the exploiting classes
- 把铺盖存在这一会儿,我先去找好车厂子,再来I'll leave my roll here while I find a rickshaw yard. Be back later to pick it up."
- 花洒gondola water faucet