- 他似乎完全意识到自己是“兽中之王”。He seems fully aware of being"the king of beasts".
- 王king
- 花flower
- 鹰为鸟中之王,正好象狮为兽中之王一样。As the lion is king of beasts, so is the eagle king of birds.
- 兽中之王king of the beasts
- 两种方法提取芦荟花中挥发性化学成分的气相色谱-质谱分析Study on Volatile Constituents of the Flowers From Aloe Vera. By Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- 一种小而颜色鲜艳的美洲热带歌鸟,有弧形喙,适于从花中吮吸花蜜。small bright-colored tropical American songbird with a curved bill for sucking nectar.
- 眼睛蛇-蛇中之王Cobra - The King of the Snakes
- 半重瓣白色花,蓝色杂于花中。中绿色叶。半迷你悬垂型。Semidouble white/blue markings. Medium green. Semiminiature trailer.
- 鸟中之王(鹰)the king of birds
- 一种小而颜色鲜艳的美洲热带歌鸟,有弧形喙,适于从花中吮吸花蜜small bright-colored tropical American songbird with a curved bill for sucking nectar
- 事故就发生在离医院那么近的地方,真是不幸中之大幸。It's a mercy the accident happened so close to the hospital.
- 弥诺斯克里特岛之王,宙斯和欧罗巴之子,死后成为地府的三个法官之一A king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa, who was made one of the three judges in the underworld after his death.
- 他把一些白色的花放在蓝色的花中。He put some white flowers among the blue ones.
- (生物学)雄蕊和雌蕊生在不同花中的。(botany) having pistils and stamens in separate flowers.
- 无冕之王uncrowned king
- 膜由天然的或合成的材料制成的薄片,可允许溶液中之溶质通过A thin sheet of natural or synthetic material that is permeable to substances in solution.
- 玫瑰:被誉为“花中皇后”,是花中极品,浪漫精灵的化身、与纯洁的象征。Rose: Famed as“ the queen of flower”,it is the best of flowers,the incarnate of romantic spirits and the symbol of love and purity.
- 狮为丛林之王。The lion is the monarch of the jungle.
- 从这种树的花中提取的香精油或香水an oil or a perfume obtained from the flowers of this tree