- 3用锡纸固定牛油果底部,放入安利皇后牌3公升平底煎镬,加上盖,用慢火烘至牛油果变软、芝士碎溶化及微脆即成。Wrap the stuffed avocados in tinfoil and bake in the Three Litre Saucepan (with the cover on) on a low heat until the avocado softens and browns and the cheese becomes crispy.
- 材料:意大利米300克、白酒3汤匙、热清鸡汤500毫升、热水500毫升、洋葱半个、白菌10个、橄榄油1汤匙、盐及胡椒粉适量、蕃茜碎适量、巴马臣芝士碎适量。Ingredients : 300g Risotto Rice, 3tbsp White wine, 500ml Hot Chicken stock, 500ml Hot Water, 1/2 Onion, 10 pcs White Button mushroom, 1tbsp Olive oil, Salt and Pepper to taste, Some Chopped Parsley, Some Grated Parmesan Cheese.
- 碎to break down
- 碎屑rag
- 碎纸机kneader
- 芝士蛋糕cheese cake
- 碎花shivering
- 切碎cut up
- 芝士南瓜面Noodles with Cheese and Pumpkin Noodles
- 压碎crush
- 可以给我一些芝士吗?May I have some cheese?
- 碎玻璃cullet
- 碎布rag
- 磨碎grind
- 碎肉dogmeat
- 碎纸tatter
- 击碎shredding
- 敲碎scrap
- 剁碎mince
- 弄碎crumble