- 色降II万里驱魔Exodus From Afar
- 她却没那么容易就把这件事从她的思想里驱走。She did not so easily dislodge the incident from her consideration.
- 他无法从脑子里驱走这一想法:他再也见不到玛丽安了。He could not expel from his mind the persuasion that he should see Marianne no more.
- 银焰驱魔使Exorcist of the Silver Flame
- 因为我们胸怀凌云壮志,困境就必然只是万里征途中的一个里程碑!Because our breadth of view flies in the void life ambition, predicament inevitable just ten thousand inside a milestone within long journey!
- 在拉丁教堂里有四种较低的神职等级:门房,读经人,驱魔师和伺僧;四种高级神职等级:副执事,执事,神父和主教。The Latin Church had long recognized four minor orders (porter, lector, exorcist, acolyte) and four major orders (subdeacon, deacon, priest, bishop).
- 谱色spectral colour
- 放射性微粒回降radioactive fallout
- 玄奘万里取经,带回南亚国家的古老文化。Eminent Monk Xuan Zang (602-664) of Tang made a long journey and brought back ancient culture of South Asian countries in the form of Buddhist sutras
- 昨晚气温降到了零度。The temperature dropped to the freezing point last night.
- 遮色masking
- 多色频光polychromatic light.
- 魔环magic ring
- 纵比降longitudinal river slope
- 足三里tsu san li
- 阻抗降impedance drop
- 纵向色象差longitudinal chromatic aberration
- 魔角旋转magic angle spinning
- 马可孛罗会和亚洲万里通会员可免费享受这服务。This service is provided free to our Marco Polo Club and Asia Miles members.
- 粘土色clay-color