- 船通过海峡.The ship passed the channel.
- 我们的船正乘风破浪通过海峡。Our ship is cleaving her way through the strait.
- 这船通过海峡。The ship cleared the straits.
- 船通过水闸驶入新运河。The ship locked into the new canal.
- 引领轮船通过海峡guide a ship through a channel.
- 引领一船通过巴拿马运河.pilot a ship through the Panama Canal
- 河上将架设一座桥梁[通过海峡将铺设一条电缆]。A bridge [cable] is to be laid across the river[channel].
- 用杆推一小船通过隧道shaft a boat through a tunnel
- 他引导一艘船通过巴拿马运河。He pilot a ship through the Panama Canal.
- 登船go on board; board; embarkation
- 再通过repass
- 班船liner
- 他看着船向下游漂去。He watched the boat drift downstream.
- 议案勉强通过了。The bill passed by a narrow squeak.
- 船顶风破浪行进。The ship thrashed to windward.
- 飓风造成了许多船难。The hurricane caused many wrecks.
- 我们未能通过谆谆教诲使学生们热爱知识。We failed to inculcate students with love of knowledge.
- 浪涛掀翻了小船。The surge upset the boat.
- "通过" 分类法pass sorting
- 船向小岛划去。The boat pulled toward the islet.