- 船侧撞穿了.The side of the boat was staved in by the collision.
- 船侧撞穿了。The side of the boat was staved in by the collision.
- 车撞穿了玻璃门。The car crashed through the glass door.
- 海盗俘获了一条船,强迫所有船员从船侧的木板上跳下去淹死。The pirates captured the ship and forced the crew to walk the plank.
- 火车的一侧撞上汽车。The train rammed the car broadside.
- 撞穿某物to smash through sth
- 全部船侧the whole side of a vessel from stem to stern
- 撞to hit
- 侧撞防护钢梁SIPS Side Impackt Protection System
- 她戴了一顶假发,但是我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。She had a wig on, but we soon penetrated her disguise.
- 固定舷窗安装在船侧或甲板上的厚窗户A thick window set in a ship's side or deck.
- 侧边side
- 撞上knock into
- 那个印度勇士用剑刺穿了对手的身体。The Indian warrior passed a sword through his opponent.
- 他铲去了船侧的旧油漆He has chipped old paint from the side of a ship
- 那艘船在海上进行了进一步的试航以保证一切运转正常。The liner underwent further trials at sea to ensure that everything shook down properly.
- 汽车颠出道路,车侧撞在房屋上。The car swung off the road and broadsided the house.
- 今天她穿了件鲜红的毛衣。She is wearing a cardinal sweater today.
- 他穿了件颜色十分鲜艳的毛衣。He wore a noisy sweater.
- 关于侧撞方面的资料An analysis of ncap side impact crash data