- 舞台设计成牢房的样子.The stage was designed to imitate a prison cell.
- 舞台设计成牢房的样子。The stage was designed to imitate a prison cell.
- 设计design
- 成succeed
- 当我告诉他修理费要花多少钱时,我瞧见他吃了一惊的样子。I could see him wince when I told him how much the repairs would cost.
- 囚犯绝望地乱抓牢房的门.The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation.
- 严肃的舞台设计a clinical style of decor.
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 一篇报道对牢房的状况进行了抨击。A report condemned the state of prisoners' cells.
- 不成won't do
- 程序设计programmer
- 你要是不当心,就会把我们送进牢房的。If you're not careful you'll land us in prison.
- 网络探头是小型的硬件设备,被设计成被动地收集数据。Network probes are small hardware devices that are designed to passively collect data.
- 闪电夺目,把牢房的栅影颤抖地映出,暴雨突来。A FLASH OF LIGHTNING outside his window sends harsh barred shadows jittering across the cell. A storm breaking.
- 舞台设计得到了完美的体现。The stage designs have been beautifully realized.
- 罗思说起话来总是那么慢吞吞的,一副郑重其事的样子。Roth was always so slow, so solemn, in everything he said.
- 囚徒在牢房的黑暗中摸索着走动时,我们可以听见他发出几声痛苦的喊叫和大肆的咒骂。We could hear a few yelps of pain and a good heal of strong language as the prisoner groped his way through the darkness of the cell (ars).
- 这面墙构成这个舞台设计的背景。This wall forms the background of the stage setting.
- 当医生告诉他是艾滋病携带者时,他摆出一副不在乎的样子。When the doctor told him that he is a HIV carrier, He did not turn a hair.
- 我的机会来自同一牢房的赫伯特·休斯·百格鲁,他因逃避所得税而牢。My break came from my cellmate, Herbert Huse Bigelow, who was serving a term for income tax evasion.