- 舛mistaken
- 命运多舛suffer many mishaps in one's life
- 命途多舛one's life is full of setbacks and frustrations
- 他自叹命运多舛。He repined against his unhappy lot.
- 讹舛erroneous; mistaken
- 舛错error; mistake
- 乖舛mistake; error
- 舛符合anticoincidence
- 人生多舛Life is full of troubles
- 纷纭舛错confused and disordered
- 前途多舛suffer many a setback in the future
- 该公司经历了最近的麻烦之后,前途多舛。After the recent problems, the company faces a rocky road ahead.
- 他命途多舛his wayward fate
- 舛符合分析器anticoincidence analyzer
- 她命运多舛,生活悲惨。Everything conspired to make her life a misery.
- 如有舛讹,请速告知。If anything happens, please inform us as soon as possible.
- 命运多舛的注定要倒霉的; 受诅咒的Destined for misfortune; doomed.
- 这突来的舛错一下把他压垮了。He was overwhelmed by the sudden mishap.
- 命运多舛的注定要倒霉的;受诅咒的Destined for misfortune;doomed.
- 命运多舛的注定要倒霉的;受诅咒的Destined for misfortune; doomed.