- 他穿着公家发给开释犯人的一套不合身的现成衣服和一双硬帮帮的鞋子。He wore a badly fitting ready-made suit and pair of stiff shoes the state provides its discharged guests.
- 着catch
- 狼找着花,而花也找着狼。Wolves look for flowers and flowers look for wolves.
- 他把那么一套不象样子的衣服卖给一位脾气特别的百万富翁。He sold an eccentric millionaire such an unspeakable suit as that!
- 这个猎人为脚的保暖,穿着狼皮靴。The hunter wears wolfskin boots to keep his feet warm.
- 睡不着stay awake
- 很匹配的附件;一套不合适的滑雪器材Well-assorted accessories; an ill-assorted set of ski equipment.
- 活着alive
- 他有一套不变的行为方式。He has a fixed pattern of behavior.
- 穿着have on
- 睡在帐蓬里其他孩子的鼾声使我睡不着觉。The snores of the other boys sleeping in the tent kept me awake.
- 一套不完整的百科全书。a broken set of encyclopedia.
- 一个正常的请求Ping的命令,就像傻瓜允许披着狼皮的羊粗暴地对待可怜的主人。A special version of a normal request Ping which some idiot thought up to mess up unsuspecting hosts.
- 一套不完整的书A broken set of books
- 睡不着的sleepless
- 散布在河边的几套不整洁的房子untidy tenements sprawling toward the river.
- 如果在平静的外表之下,你有着狼一样的专横跋扈行为举止,那么你可能会痛恨失败。If underneath that calm exterior you have the domineering demeanor of a wolf, you're going to hate defeat.
- 那一套不只你会,我也会Two can play at that game.
- 听我说,孩子,你信不着我吗?Listen, son, don't you trust me?
- 我从他那里套不出任何反应。I could elicit no response from him.