- 个人化自由政治空间Individualized Space of Free Politics
- 利夫·洛林(皇家图书馆和信息科学学校,哥本哈根,丹麦)LEIF LORRING (Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark)
- 查明和废除防碍自由政治活动的法律和歧视性法律工作组;ROCEEB; Task Group on the Identification and Repeal of Legislation Impeding Free Political Activity as well as Discriminatory Legislation;
- 学校school
- 政治科学political science
- 自由freedom
- 保健科学学校School of Health Care Sciences; SHCS
- 政治politics
- 加拿大政治科学杂志Canadian Journal of Political Science
- 自由的unrestricted
- 美国乔治亚州大学富兰克林艺术和科学学校人工智能中心。The Artificial Intelligence Center is an interdepartmental research and instructional center within the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Georgia. Strengths include logic prog.
- 起源于二十世纪六十年代的一种政治倾向,混合自由政治观点和强调经济分增长a political orientation originating in the 1960s; blends liberal political views with an emphasis on economic growth.
- 学校的scholastic
- 斯马吉在巴黎政治科学大学Paris University of Political Sciences
- 在学校at school
- 自由女神Statue of Liberty
- 公法与政治科学Mention droit public et science politique
- 职业学校vocational school
- 言论自由(constitutional) freedom of speech
- 自由女神像the Statue of Liberty