- 自由加速烟度free accelerating smoke
- 柴油车自由加速排放标准Emission standard for smoke at free acceleration from vehicles with diesel engines
- 自由freedom
- 柴油车自由加速烟度排放标准Emission standard for smoke at free acceleration from vehicle with diesel engine
- 自由的unrestricted
- 柴油机自由加速排气烟度的测量方法Diesel engines--Exhaust smoke measurement method at free acceleration
- 自由加速试验free acceleration test
- 自由加速烟度测量法smoke measurement at free acceleration
- 自由女神Statue of Liberty
- 建筑商答应加速修理。The builders promised to expedite the repairs.
- 言论自由(constitutional) freedom of speech
- 自由女神像the Statue of Liberty
- 这一事件加速了该俱乐部的解体。The incident has hastened the disintegration of the club.
- 自由地sciolto
- 敌人的垂死挣扎只能加速他们的灭亡。The deathbed struggles of the enemies can only hasten their own doom.
- 自由活动swing
- 踩油门;加速put the hammer down
- 自由基free radical
- 自由贸易free trade
- 自由职业liberal profession