- 自有历史以来就有战争.Throughout history men have waged war.
- 自有历史以来就有战争。Throughout history men have waged war.
- 这是一个绝大的变化,这是自有世界历史和中国历史以来无可比拟的大变化。This is a tremendous change unparalleled in the history of China and of the world.
- 自人类有历史以来,在这个地球上生活在民主制度下的人数首次超过了生活在独裁制度下的人数。And for the very first time in all of history, more people on this planet live under democracy than dictatorship.
- 自有own; self-possessed
- 早在有历史记载之前很久这个地区就有人居住了。The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history(= before people wrote about events).
- “擦苹果”这种事情自有人类社会以来就存在于世。"Apple polishing"is as old as human society.
- 在最近的一次调查中发现的证据证明这位退休军官曾有战争犯罪。The retired officer was found guilty of war crimes when evidence was uncovered during a recent investigation.
- 只要有战争,就有战争的全局。Wherever there is war,there is a war situation as a whole.
- 一个因为有历史价值或自然美景而被经常参观或展览的地方a place that is frequently exhibited and visited for its historical interest or natural beauty
- 因为地球在自转,看上去就有了日出和日落。The sun appears to rise and set because of the earth's rotation.
- 五四运动所进行的文化革命则是彻底地反对封建文化的运动,自有中国历史以来,还没有过这样伟大而彻底的文化革命。The cultural revolution ushered in by the May 4th Movement was uncompromising in its opposition to feudal culture;there had never been such a great and thoroughgoing cultural revolution since the dawn of Chinese history.
- 关于有历史洪水参加的洪水资料经验频率计算方法的讨论Discussion on the Frequency Calculation according to the Historic Deluge Datum
- 市场经济,在封建社会时期就有了萌芽。Market economy was in its embryonic stages as early as feudalist society.
- 每一种教条都必定自有其得意之时。Every dogma must have its day.
- 他们自私奔以来就一直是人们闲谈的话题。They have been the town talk ever since their elopement.
- 和原始基督教有历史渊源的几个教会中的任一个。any of several churches claiming to have maintained historical continuity with the original Christian Church.
- 他的神态使我感到他自有锦囊妙计。His attitude makes me think he has some clever trick up his sleeve.
- 教师一提问,马上就有几只手举了起来。Several hands shot up as soon as the teacher asked the question.
- 1066年对英国来说是有历史意义的一年。1066 was an historic year for England.