- 急性全植物神经失调症(一例报告和文献复习)Acute Pandysautonomia:Case Report and Review of Literature
- 心理学家理查德 - 艾伦是约翰 - 霍布金斯失眠治疗中心的联席主任,他认为失眠症属于24小时神经失调症。Psychologist Richard Allen, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center, considers insomnia a 24-hour disorder.
- 自律神经失调vegetative dystonie
- 国家自律神经失调基金会:提供与自律神经系统失调有关的讯息。The National Dysautonomia Research Foundation provides information about this dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.
- 自律神经节autonomic ganglion
- 我们的医生说这是由于神经失调,但是我认为我们应该再请一位医生诊断。Our doctor says it is due to a nervous disorder, but I think we should take another opinion.
- 自律神经暴发autonomic storm
- 症obstruction of bowels
- 自律神经autonomic nerve
- 自律神经系统autonomic nervous system
- 自闭症infantile autism
- 自律神经抑制剂autonomic suppressant
- 忧郁症(psychology) depression
- 失调imbalance
- 精神分裂症schizophrenia
- 针对性:心脏、小肠有改善平衡之功能。可安定情绪增强记忆力,改善自律神经系统。Heart, small intestine improve with the balanced function, can stable mood, strengthen memory, improve and contain the nervous system by oneself.
- 恐高症acrophobia
- 内分泌失调endocrine dyscrasia
- 健忘症amnesia
- 芭莎典娜芳香卡中纯植物提炼的精华成分,对脑垂体和自律神经系统形成直接或间接的影响。It is scientifically designed based on the fact that every direct or indirect smell influences the autonomic nervous system and psyche through the upper nerve centers.