- 一向自信满满的我又去了哪Has been a self-satisfied I gone
- 他是一个狂妄的自信满满的唯物论者。He was an arrogant and cocksure materialist.
- 通话时,双方沉默的当口,弗朗西斯自信满满地等待着。There was a silence on the line that Francis waited out with complete confidence.
- 自信confidence
- 呵呵,也许各位大多只在梦中遇到过类似场景,不过现在,你大可以自信满满地跨上拳台,因为有下面的小游戏!Oh, maybe you have also encountered only in a dream similar scene, but now, you can brimming with confidence got Quan Yi, because of the small game below!
- 自信的self-assurance
- 强烈支持某一立场的人,几乎都不回应另一方的挑战,自信满满地认为自己可以掌握一切,并不需要去证实自己的立场。Partisans of one scenario shrug off the challenges of the other, expressing“ confidence” that they can be handled without actually doing much to ensure that they are.
- 无自信diffidence
- 没有自信unsureness
- 校长的日程表排得满满的。The principal has a very tight schedule.
- 他将杯子斟得满满的。He filled the glass to the brim.
- 自信地with assurance
- 加满满的三匙糖。Add 3 heaped teaspoons of sugar.
- 缺乏自信diffidence
- 他盛了满满一碗米饭。He filled the bowl to the brim with rice.
- 有自信的self-confident
- 脸盆盛了满满一盆水。The basin was filled to the brim with water.
- 过于自信overconfidence
- 他们捕了满满一网鱼.They netted a good haul of fish.
- 无自信的diffident