- 自信我们将成功.sanguine that we shall succeed
- 如果我们善于利用机会,我们将成功。We'll succeed if we play our cards well.
- 我们自信我们的技术能够给大家带来最好的体验,我们也会不断完善我们的产品,感谢大家支持!We have confidence on the experience for you by our technology. And we'll try our best.Thank you for your supporting!
- 如果我们善于利用机会,我们将成功。We will succeed if we play our cards well .
- 我们将竭力帮助他们。We will do our utmost to help them.
- 我们将调查这事。We will enquire into the matter.
- 我们将会非常想念她。We shall miss her sorely.
- 虽然你反对,我们终将成功。We shall succeed in the face of your opposition.
- 我们将在出航前两天整装。We will outfit two days before sailing.
- 我们将把你的建议编到新计划中去。We will incorporate your suggestion in the new plan.
- 我们将提供他们的食宿。We will provide room and board for them.
- 这并不容易,但我们终将成功。It's not going to be easy but we'll win through in the end.
- 我们将参加庆典。We will partake in the celebration.
- 我们将就着睡在旧谷仓里。We bunked in an old barn.
- 老师经常将成功的语言学习经验传授给我们。Teachers often offer us successful language learning experience.
- 我们将进行民意测验。We are going to conduct a public opinion poll.
- 我们将揭开这个谜。We will get to the bottom of the mystery.
- 我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。We will consult together about her education.
- 我们将留在村里,秋收后再走。We'll stay on in the village till the autumn harvest is over.
- 我们将要为这条路铺路面。We are going to surface this road.