- 脚步沉重地行走.walk with a heavy tread
- 这位老人脚步沉重地在路上走。The old man pounded down the road.
- 部队排成纵队迈着沉重的脚步沉重地走了进来。The bridge shook as the column of troops tramped across.
- 他们脚步沉重地前进,比以前更慢更吃力了。They trudged forward, more slowly and painfully than they had done yet.
- 老妇人在雪中吃力地行走着。The old lady was lumping along in the snow.
- 他脚步沉重地在月台上走来走去,等候着火车。He tramped up and down the platform waiting for the train.
- 重而响地行走To walk heavily and noisily.
- 脚步沉重|行动迟缓have leaden foot
- 与他人步调一致有规则、有节奏地行走。walking steadily and rhythmically and in step with others.
- 脚步沉重的,步态笨拙的Having a ponderous, lumbering gait.
- 像踩碎葡萄一样地行走crush as if by treading on,as of grapes
- 他缓慢而费力地行走。His feet dragged .
- 她说杜恩走起路来脚步沉重,而炉火纯青的演员却都步履轻盈,飘飘若仙。She said that Duse has leaden feet, and that the perfect actors walked on air.
- 他心情沉重地谈论着局势。He spoke gravely of the situation.
- 他们在沙漠里艰难地行走。They trudged in the desert.
- 她说杜恩走起路来脚步沉重,而炉火纯青的演员却都步履轻盈,飘飘若仙。She said that Duse has leaden feet, and that the perfect actors walked on air
- 在雪中缓慢而吃力地行走walking heavily through the snow.
- 精神饱满地行走或活动;昂首阔步to walk or move about in a spirited manner; strut
- 塔楼上的大钟沉重地敲了十二下。The tower clock boomed out twelve.
- 行人在公路上从容不迫地行走。Pedestrians ambled along the roads.