- 房间空气调节器能源效率限定值及节能评价值The limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation for room aire conditioners
- 另外还有超过90家机构也作出了能源效率方面的承诺。Additional commitments to energy efficiency - exceeds 90 organizations.
- 科学家们可以在他们的实验室发挥提高能源效率的作用。Scientists can play a role in improving energy efficiency in their laboratories.
- 能源效率,工业Sectoral scope Sectors covered Energy efficiency, Industry
- 在浅滩上设立标识beacon the shoals
- 在能源效率方面我们在做什么?在能源效率方面我们在做什么?INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L'ENERGIE What have we been doing What have we been doing for energy efficiency? For energy efficiency?
- 基准标识datum identifier
- 高效率依赖于良好的组织。Efficiency depends on good organization.
- 该国渡过了能源危机。The country weathered the energy crisis.
- 我们的目标是取得最高的效率。Our goal is to achieve the maximum of efficiency.
- 能源危机危及世界经济的发展。The energy crisis stunted world economic growth.
- 持有文凭不能保证工作效率一定高。A diploma is no guarantee of efficiency.
- 节省能源十分重要.It is important to conserve energy.
- 这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency.
- 能源成本的不断上升使利润下降。Profits are whittled down by the ever-rising cost of energy.
- 摩擦减低机器的效率。Friction lowers the efficiency of a machine.
- 不断增长的能源成本使利润下降。Profits are whittle down by the ever-rising cost of energy.
- 她是个效率很高的编辑She is an editorial powerhouse.
- 他们在能源危机时期尽量节省汽油。They scrimped on oil as best they could during the energy crisis.
- 他年事已高,很难高效率地工作。He had trouble organizing himself as he aged.