- 我的脚腕儿磨出了泡。Blisters rose on my ankles.
- 因脚腕儿发肿而一瘸一拐地走.limping because of a swollen ankle
- 这双鞋太紧,把我的脚腕儿磨起了泡。These tight shoes have given me blisters on my ankle.
- 当然,这队伍里看来也有个把光景好的农家子弟,那穿戴已经和城里干部们的子弟没什么差别,而且胳膊腕上往往还撑一块明晃晃的手表。Certainly there were some from better off farmer families, who had apparel similar to that of children from urban officeholder families, and wore openly on their arms a wristwatch.
- 这双鞋太紧, 把我的脚腕儿磨起了泡These tight shoes have give me blister on my ankle
- 胳膊(n) arm
- 这双鞋太紧,把我的脚腕儿磨起了泡These tight shoes have given me blisters on my ankle
- 腕wrist
- 模特儿model
- 玩意儿(n) thing (used in speech)
- 她用胳膊捅了我一下。She gave me a nudge.
- 护腕cuff
- 媳妇儿wife
- 他从马上跌落摔坏了胳膊。The fall from his horse broke his arm.
- 这位女士挽住我伸给她的胳膊,同我一起徐徐步入餐厅。The lady took my arm and we walked slowly into the dining room.
- 儿科学paediatrics
- 一个保安拉住那男人的胳膊,不由分说地将他赶了出去。A guard took the man by the arm and conducted him firmly out.
- 腕表watch
- 美人儿cutie
- 他不得不把断胳膊固定在吊带上。He had to keep his broken arm in a sling.