- 通open
- 参加会议的人只是胡扯一顿.Those who attended the meeting merely prated about it.
- 那只白猫又在我的洋葱苗床里乱抓一通了,因此我拿起泥块朝它乱扔一气。That white cat was scratching around in my onion bed again and so I took a cockshot at it with a lump of earth.
- 以前别的姑娘给你这样变着法儿臭骂一通,她们生不生气?Don't your other girls ever get upset when you call them by so many different names?
- 不通be obstructed
- 如果你打算提出一个问题,你咒骂一通远胜于去解决它。If you're going to bring up a problem, you damn well better have a solution.
- 通路access
- 共通common
- 三通"three direct links of trade, mail, and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits"
- 他们将那个家伙乱打一通。They hailed blows upon the guy.
- 黑龙江省目前的通风管理不利因素与"一通三防"重大事故预防对策Current Disadvantages Factors in Ventilation Management in Heilongjiang Province and "One Ventilation and Three Preventions" Heavy Accidents Preventive Countermeasures
- 她乱骂一通。She damned right and left.
- 她胡说八道了一通。She prated nonsense.
- 一通批评A hail of criticism
- 乱讲一通make irresponsible remarks
- 我们得叫管工来通一通下水道.We had to call a plumber to unblock the drains.
- 你的话使他发了一通脾气。Your remarks have thrown him into a temper.
- 一通三防A ventilation and three preventions
- 一通文书an official document
- 发一通议论speak at length