- 越南战争:胡志明小道Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Trail PC
- 所谓胡志明小道是在老挝南部的密林中开辟出来的。The Ho Chi Minh Trail was hacked through jungles covering the southern half of Laos.
- 鉴于当时的国内外形势,北越尚不敢公开越过非军事区进攻南越,所以秘密开辟了胡志明小道,借道老挝和柬埔寨把大量的军队和物质渗透到南方。Given the home and abroad posture of that day, the north did not dare to attack the south across the DMZ, so it opened a secret trail through Lao and Cambodia to send military material and army.
- 胡志明Ho Chi Minh
- 小道byway
- 越南胡志明城风光The scenes you will see in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
- 林荫小道alley
- 以越南胡志明共青团中央常委Standing Committee Member of the Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vietnam
- 迂曲的小道a maze of narrow roads
- 胡志明思想与越南女性解放问题Ho Chi Minh Thought and Issues of the Women's Liberation in Vietnam
- 山坡上有一条曲折小道。There is a zigzag path up the hillside.
- 为保卫胡志明而牺牲的两位中国烈士The Two Chinese Martyrs Who Sacrificed Themselves for Defending Ho Chi Minh
- 这条危险的小道围了栏杆,以保护游客。The dangerous trail was railed to protect tourists.
- 道路为从一地到另一地提供通道的马路、小道或高速公路A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another.
- 没有什么比独立自由更可宝贵的了。-- [越南]胡志明Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom. -- Ho Chi Minh
- 他们用推土机开出了一条小道。They had a trail gouged out by a bulldozer.
- 平易近人生活简朴--越南最高领导人实践胡志明作风Easy-going with Simple Life--Vietnamese Top Leaders Taking Ex-chairman Ho Chi Minh as an Example