- 背包上有两条背带.A rucksack has straps that go over the shoulders.
- 从这里到镇上有两条路,无论是走哪一条,路程都相同。The distance from here to the town is much the same by either of the two roads.
- 他把它们漆成红色,把它们粘在背包上。He painted them red and glued them onto the backpack.
- 三槽板多利安柱式檐壁上的建筑装饰,包括一块微凸的长方形石板,板上有两条平行垂直的凹槽和两边两条相应的斜削的半槽,半槽将排档间饰分开An ornament in a Doric frieze, consisting of a projecting block having on its face two parallel vertical glyphs or grooves and two half grooves or chamfers on either vertical end, that separates the metopes.
- 鲜红色的身体上有两个略带红色的黄色条纹。body bright scarlet with 2 yellow to reddish strips on side.
- 我有两条裤子要送到洗衣房去湿洗。I have two pairs of trousers to send to the laundry.
- 本词典每页上有两列正文。Each page of this dictionary has two columns of text.
- 看到有两条往右走的路,我们不知如何是好。We were nonplused to see two roads leading off to the right.
- 音乐演奏节目单上有两支钢琴独奏曲。There are two piano solos on the musical bill of fare.
- 新生的羊羔中有一只是怪胎,生下来就有两条尾巴。One of the new lambs is a freak; it was born with two tails.
- 在公共汽车上有两位妇女和七个男人。there were two women and six men on the bus.
- 至少有两条尾波应该钻到那带头的运输舰底下。At least two wakes had to go under the lead transport.
- 她儿子的驾驶执照上有两次超速记录。Her son has had two endorsements for speeding.
- 看到有两条往右走的路,我们不知如何是好。We were nonplused to see two roads leading off to the right.
- 一台发动机的阀门上有两个通气孔。There are two ports in the valve of an engine.
- 引起我们注意的有两条自成体系的研究途径。Two independent lines of investigations invite our attention.
- 帆船上有两到三根桅杆的主要桅杆。the chief mast of a sailing vessel with two or more masts.
- 从门口那儿,有两条小路斜越过院子。From the gateway two paths led obliquely across the court.
- 在西面街道上有四个,在游廊上有两个。At Parbar westward, four at the causeway, and two at Parbar.
- 有两条重要线索,让我们得以了解这个蛋白酶。Two important clues proved essential to our understanding of this protease.