- 肿块已小了一些.The swelling has gone down a little.
- 肿块已小了一些。The swelling has gone down a little.
- 这个数值已小得无法想像了。This number is too small even to think about.
- 我在海滨人行道上买了一些新颖的小玩意儿。I bought some novelties on the boardwalk.
- 骗子们骗他买下了一些毫无价值的土地。Swindlers jockeyed him into buying some worthless land.
- 消费物价方面,综合消费物价指数在二零零一年持续下跌,平均下跌1.6%,但跌幅已小于二零零零年的3.8%。On consumer prices,there was a continued fall in the Composite Consumer Price Index (Composite CPI),averaging at 1.6 per cent in 2001,although this was smaller than the 3.8 per cent drop in 2000.
- 你的调查报告似乎假设太多了一些。Your investigation report seems to have too many ifs.
- 心怀同样的激情,我还一直在求索知道。我渴望了解人的内心,想知道星星为何闪烁。虽然只是皮毛。但我也已小有收获。With epual passion I have sought knowledge.I have wished to understand the hearts of men.I have wished to know why the stars shine.A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.
- 约翰尼在董事会上不善争辩,按众人的说法是胆子小了点。Johnny isn't much of a fighter in the boardroom—a bit afraid, as one might say.
- 为了削减过多的人员,我们精简了一些职员。We have make some staff redundant to reduce overman.
- 鲁宾,一个新泽西的擦窗工人兼家庭主妇的女儿,在写作方面已小有经验,她曾写过一本关于几个世纪前的一位意大利大师的书。Rubin, the daughter of a window cleaner and housewife from New Jersey, already had experience in writing about an Italian luminary from centuries past.
- 他称出了一些烟丝。放进烟丝袋里。He weighed out the tobacco and put it in the pouch.
- 这盒子太小了,我没法把这一切全放进去。The box is so small that I can't get them all in.
- 我们已得到了一些答覆。We've had a few replies.
- "但是,在美国人的生活中当工业比农业更为重要时,家庭开始变小了。""But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller."
- 他们派了一些人去打猎,打了一头野猪。They sent some people out hunting and bagged a wild boar.
- 这房子对我们来说太小了;再者,它离城也太远。The house is not big enough for us; and further, it is too far from the town.
- 我出生在日本,但已在西方居住了一些年了。I was born in Japan, but I've lived in the West for some years now.
- 本世纪空中旅行的革新使世界似乎变小了。The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.
- 就这一建设计划,他们已咨询了一些专家。They have consulted some experts about this construction plan.