- 肯定会受到欢迎的.with money is bound to be popular.
- 无论什么时候你来参观我们的工业展览会,总是会受到欢迎的。No matter when you come to visit our industrial exhibition, you will always be welcome.
- 肯定会受到欢迎的。With money is bound to be popular.
- 到了那里你肯定会受到热烈欢迎。You're always sure of a warm welcome there.
- 你在这家旅馆肯定会受到热情欢迎。You are assured of a warm welcome at this hotel.
- 迈克·杰克逊是当今美国最受欢迎的性感演员之一。Actor Mel Gibson is currently one of America's favorite hunks.
- 我们肯定会成功。It is all to nothing that we will succeed.
- 《远离尘嚣》(1874)是他的第一部受到欢迎的成功之作。"Far from the Madding Crowd"(1874) was his first popular success.
- 你要是再迟到, 肯定会受到斥责!You'll really get a rocket if you're late again!
- 受到欢迎的well-received
- 他相信他的冤屈会受到昭雪的。He felt confident that his injustices would be righted.
- 如果人们吸入这种细微的漆雾, 他们的肺部就会受到损伤。If men breathed in the fine paint spray, their lungs would be damaged.
- 灵魂启示在那个受到欢迎的时期跟现在一样在英格兰风行一时。Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period,a sat this.
- 贝基: 阳光仔,你在伦敦肯定会非常受欢迎。Sunny Boy,you are sure to be most popular in London.
- 但是,当你在减速时,由于惯性,前轮会受到更大的压力,转向就更灵敏。During deceleration, more of a load is put on the front wheels because of inertia, resulting in sharper steering response.
- 无论在何地,您总是受到欢迎的。You are always welcome no matter where you are.
- 无论质量如何,只要广告适当,这种新胶卷肯定会受欢迎。This new film will attract the crowds,whatever its quality,provided that it gets played up in the right way.
- 专家欣赏更新的且更强大功能,对程序的精通使他们不会受到复杂性增加的干扰。Experts appreciate new, powerful features. Their mastery of the product insulates them from becoming disturbed by the added complexity.
- 你有时间去我家,你将受到欢迎的。You're welcome to visit my home when you have time.
- 如果突然发出巨大的声响,这些动物可能会受到惊吓,这种可能性确实存在。There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, should there be a sudden loud noise.