- 聪灵胶囊Congling Capsule
- 聪灵胶囊对小鼠软脑膜微循环障碍的改善作用Effect of Congling Capsule on Mice Cerebral Pial Microcirculation
- 恶灵Ahriman
- 不灵not work
- 心有灵犀一点通a close rapport
- 灵媒conjurator
- 灵长类Primates
- 阿沙姆-聪德克试验Ascheim-Zondek test
- 死灵wraith
- 灵格风linguaphone
- 灵犀magic horn
- 灵长类动物quadrumana
- 多菌灵Sanmate
- 威灵顿wellington
- 灵机brainwave
- 通灵术necromancy
- 一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery.
- 她的听觉不灵。Her hearing is poor.
- 灵的世界spirit world
- 他猛地刹车看看刹车灵不灵。He jammed on the brakes to see if they worked.