- 名品famous-object
- 聚类clustering
- 聚糖polysaccharide
- 聚四氟乙烯polyfluortetraethylene
- 名品服饰famous-brand clothing
- 重聚reunion
- 茶叶名品Famous brand of tea
- 物以类聚birds of a feather flock together
- 进口名品护理Full Facial Set With Imported Product
- 壳聚糖chitosan
- 聚乙二醇Carmowax
- 你知道茅台酒吗,那可是酒中名品啊!Do you know the brand Maotai? It is famous liquor.
- 聚酰胺daiamid
- 国际名品的展示重在高贵、宁静气氛的营造;Representation of international brands highlights the creationof noble, tranquil atmoshpere;
- 聚醚polyether
- 纽约佬可以在当地买到世界各地的名品。New Yorkers can shop locally and buy globally.
- 聚类分析cluster analysis
- 新疆国际农产品交易会暨新疆名品瓜果博览会The international agricultural product fair in Xinjiang and Xinjiang famous product melon and fruit fair
- 聚酰亚胺polyimide
- 传统名品乌龙茶,独步古今,减肥美容有奇效。Traditional famous oolong tea has no equal in Both ancient and modern times. and it has special efficacy for weight-reducing and Beautifying.