- 棒strong
- 钻石diamond
- 过渡元素钼掺杂氧化钨纳米棒的合成Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide Nanorods Doped with Transition Metal Molybdenum
- 纳米nanometer
- 棒的baculine
- 离子液体中CuO纳米棒的制备与结构表征Preparation of CuO Nanorods in Ionic Liquid and Structure Characterization
- 我看见她耳朵上戴着的钻石耳钉。I saw diamond studs in her ears.
- 纳米材料nanophase materials
- 太棒了excellent; It's good
- 很棒very good
- 纳米技术nanotechnology
- 棒极了excellent
- 碳纳米管carbon nano tube
- 鲁棒性robustness
- 真棒dishy
- 棒材steel bar
- 好棒attagirl
- 鲁棒robust
- 搅拌棒muddler
- 太棒了!Great!