- 聚会搞得有声有色.The party went with a swing.
- 聚会搞得很不错!That was quite a get-together!
- 她把整个聚会搞得热热闹闹的。She made the whole party go with a swing.
- 聚会搞得有声有色。The party went with a swing.
- 搞得很热闹|使有蓬勃的气象|搞得有声有色|使气氛活跃起来|使活跃|使兴旺make things hum
- 屁大的事弄得有声有色Make a fuss about nothing
- 要在11月份为孩子们的聚会搞到复活节彩蛋,这一要求难以满足。Finding Easter eggs for a children's party in November is a tall order.
- 这个故事讲得有声有色。The story is told with great felicity of style.
- 你在Riverdale高中校刊做得有声有色。You do a pretty good job on the Riverdale High School paper.
- 诗人能把平凡的事物描绘得有声有色。Poets interpret the commonplace freshly.
- 她把事情搞得一团糟。She made a pretty bad mess of it.
- 他们做纪念品和礼品生意,做得有声有色。They do a lively trade in souvenirs and gifts.
- 我们被搞得手忙脚乱。We had much ado.
- 她形容起来倒挺逼真,简直说得有声有色。Her description was accurate, was almost eloquent.
- 室内的一切都被搞得乱七八糟。Everything in the room was turned upside down.
- 各项工作开展得有声有色,人文荟萃,极一时之盛。The Palace Museum was soon a hive of activity.
- 州长办公室搞鬼搞得太厉害了。There is too much monkey business going on in the governor's office.
- 且过得有声有色呢?也不知他们是否真的过得很好。I would wonder with part of my mind how it was with them in their hearts, how they picked up and.
- 我们军队要搞得生动活泼些。We should have a bit more diversity in our army.
- 谢谢你和黛比雷诺女士把音乐晚会主持得有声有色,你真诚致力帮助孩童,让我由衷的感动。You have done a wonderful job in hosting the event with Ms. Reynolds. I am deeply touched by your sincerity and dedication in helping the children.