- 聚会中有五个孩子.There were five children at the party
- 如果您发现同一个查询计划的执行中有五个以上的溢出,请与支持人员联系。If you notice more than five spills within the same query plan's execution, contact your support professional.
- 聚会中有个小青年总缠着我, 我也甩不开他.A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.
- 我家里有五个孩子,家里就像个马戏团一样热闹。There were five children in my family, it was like a circus at home.
- 聚会中有个小青年缠着我,我怎么也甩不开他。A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.
- 聚会中有五个孩子。There were five children at the party.
- 她是有五个孩子的母亲。She is a mother of five children.
- 13个孩子中有9个从未找到像样的工作,而他们对此竟毫不在乎;Nine of the 13 children have never held a meaningful job, nor do they care to.
- 一项调查显示,英国人一生中有五年多的时间(即一年有27天)在发愁。Britons spend more than five years of their total life worrying, or 27 days a year, according to a survey.
- 我们给了这五个孩子每人均等的一份。We gave each of the five children an equal share.
- 聚会中有个小青年总缠著我,我也甩不开他。A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.
- 他挑起赡养妻子和五个孩子的担子。He was saddled with a wife and five children.
- 在一次燃烧弹袭击中有五家店铺被烧毁。Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.
- 她生了五个孩子。She has borne five children.
- 班中有一个学习非常笨的女孩,她的智能年龄仅有五岁。There was one girl in the class who was very backward with a mental age of five.
- 他死后留下妻子和五个孩子。He left a wife and five children.
- 引发土石流的这场豪雨造成意外的发生,六十名乘客中有五人受伤。The accident happened following heavy rains which caused a landslide. The train engine driver is thought to be dead after it plunged into the river, and five of the sixty passengers were injured.
- 她抚育了五个孩子。She brought up five children.
- 这次事件的最终结果是八名恐怖主义分子中有五人死亡,所有九名人质都被杀害。The ordeal ended with five of the eight terrorists dead, along with all nine hostages.
- 她为五个孩子所累。She was burdened with five children.