- 白头偕老remain happily married to a ripe old age
- 老套old things
- 不老的ageless
- 请用报纸填塞空隙。Wad the space with paper, please.
- 不老young at heart
- 他告一家报纸犯有诽谤罪。He slapped a libel suit on a newspaper.
- 老二the second child or brother (or sister)
- 老同学old boy
- 报纸严厉谴责这个罪行。The newspapers fulminate against the crime.
- 老样子Same as usual.
- 他为这家报纸撰写社论。He writes editorials for the newspaper.
- 老顾客patron; regular client
- 这一协议将保护报纸不受政府干涉。This agreement will safeguard the newspapers from government interference.
- 老猫grimalkin
- 他是报纸的副主编。He is an associate editor of the newspaper.
- 在今天的报纸上有一条有趣的新闻。There was an interesting item in the newspaper today.
- 老树veteran
- 报纸和期刊让我了解时事。Newspapers and periodicals keep me updated on current affairs.
- 老成(adj) experienced; trained
- 报纸的停刊the demise of a newspaper