- 他的翼尖鞋轧在砾石路上,任子弹散落在地,波旁酒瓶也摔到地上,碎了。His wingtip shoes crunch on gravel. Loose bullets scatter to the ground. The bourbon bottle drops and shatters.
- 他的翼尖鞋轧在砾石路上,任子弹散落在地,波旁酒瓶也摔到地上,碎了。His wingtip shoes crunch on gravel. Loose bullets scatter to the ground. The bourbon bottle drops and shatters.
- 它在芭蕾舞台上破天荒地塑造了英姿飒爽的"穿足尖鞋"的中国娘子军形象It was a pioneer in creating the valiant and heroic image of women soldiers on the ballet stage.
- 拷花皮鞋一种结实的浅口便鞋,通常带有装饰性小孔和翼尖A strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips.
- 翼尖,前翼鸟翼的外后缘,包括初生毛The outer rear edge of the wing of a bird,containing the primary feathers.
- 比翼fly wing to wing
- 这些鞋是防水的。These shoes are waterproof.
- 六翼天使seraph
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 毡尖笔felt tip pen
- 这家鞋店本周减价销售。The shoe shop is having a sale this week.
- 我们听到救火车汽笛的尖啸声。We heard the wailing of fire-engine sirens.
- 比翼双飞fly wing to wing
- 他受鞋紧挤痛之苦。He suffered from the pinch of his tight shoes.
- 他尖声道歉。He squeaked out an apology.
- 折翼flap
- 他不穿鞋身高为五英尺。He was five feet in his socks.
- 那妇人尖声嚷叫不赞成。The woman piped her disapproval.
- 那只鞋什么地方太紧?Where does that shoe pinch?
- 浪尖top of the waves