- 群雄heroes
- 亚星精品竞逐客车大赛Yaxin Highend Product in the Bus Contest
- 共有155名获有效提名的候选人参选,竞逐立法会60个议席。A total of 155 validly nominated candidates contested the 60 Legislative Council seats.
- 群雄割据fragment a country by rivaling warlords
- 冠军联赛让圣杯的竞逐延续到下一年。”The Champions League remains the Holy Grail to be pursued another year.
- 群雄同居synandria
- 他称有关传言指他俩因竞逐处长职位而不和是毫无根据的。He said claims that their friendship turned sour over the battle for the top post were groundless.
- 群雄四起Heroes spring up everywhere
- 这项比赛,群英竞逐,究竟花落谁家,目前还不清楚。It is unclear who will win this game.
- 冰与火之歌2群雄争霸A Song of Ice and Fire 2 - A Clash of Kings
- 网络穆斯林社群社会记忆的建构是一个充满权力竞逐的过程。The process of the construction of social memory for the Muslim community is full of competition of power.
- 现在群雄争夺天下。At present, all feudal lords are vying for the throne.
- 南方小鸡组合于本周日捧得49届格莱美奖,并且横扫她们竞逐的五个奖项.The Dixie Chicks dominated the49 th annual Grammy Awards Sunday, sweeping all five categories they were up for.
- 体操世锦赛中国技压群雄China on top at world gymnastics event
- 13支队伍需要在24小时内尽量记录最多的雀鸟品种,以竞逐香港观鸟大赛冠军殊荣。A total of 13 birdwatching teams will compete for the top bird-watching team champion by recording as many different bird species as possible within 24-hour bird race in Hong Kong.
- 曾有一群雄鹿,仅一边有角。A family of stags once existed with an antler only on one side.
- 切尔西今季过得很不顺行,但仍然取得了足够的成绩去保持住竞逐四项锦标的希望。Chelsea have found life tough this season, but have still ground out the results to keep them in the hunt for honours on four fronts.
- 曾有一群雄鹿,仅一边有角。A family of stags once existed with an antler only on one side.
- 12支观鸟队伍将在24小时内走遍港九新界,尽量记录品种数目,竞逐观鸟之王的美誉。A total of 12 birdwatching teams will compete for the top bird-watching champion by recording as many different bird species as possible within a 24-hour bird race in Hong Kong.