- 外outside
- 外包epiboly
- 外包服务outsourcing service
- 因为全球化趋势,C群和D群的工作已经被外包了。Because of globalization the Cs and Ds have been outsourced
- 服务外包service outsourcing
- 外包的epibolic
- 这家工厂已决定把一些机器零件的生产外包给其他工厂。The factory has decided to farm out production of some of the machine parts to other plants.
- 这种电线外包塑料。This wire has a plastic casing.
- 企业信息系统外包职能选择的模糊多属性群决策分析The analysis of choosing information system function for outsourcing by fuzz group decision-making of multiplicative attribute
- 这根电缆线外包有一层橡胶。This cable has a rubber casing.
- 外包维修maintenance by contractor
- 选择性外包selective outsourcing
- IT外包IT outsourcing
- 外包法epiboly
- 外包料materials wraped outside
- 外包被exoperidium
- 外包叶Cuban wrapper
- 外包膜peplos; envelop
- 外包层surrounding layer
- 外包商outsourcing businesses