- 群山环绕着这个山谷.Mountains rimmed the valley.
- 群山环绕著这个山谷.Mountains rimmed the valley.
- 群山环绕着市镇。A ring of hills encinctured the town.
- 这个this
- 群山环绕着这座城市。Mountains hemmed the town about on all sides.
- 各种野花和野草环绕着这个小池塘。Wild flowers and grasses rimmed the little pond.
- 为群山环绕be embayed in mountains
- 这个山谷两年前被大肆采伐过。The valley was lumbered hard 2 years ago.
- 该城为群山环绕。The city is ringed with mountains.
- 冬季绝大多数的日子这个山谷都被雪封住。The valley is snowed in most of the winter.
- 他们听着这个预言家的话。They listened to the words of the prophet.
- 有一座村庄在群山环绕中。There was a village among the hills.
- 敌人的大炮控制了这个山谷。Enemy guns covered the valley .
- 额上环绕着桂冠;环绕着特别的光;用雏菊环绕着的;烟雾缭绕。a brow encircled with laurel; wreathed in an extraordinary luminescence; ringed round with daisies; smoke-wreathed.
- 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world.
- 西临温哥华岛,东边和北边则是群山环绕。British Columbia's largest city faces Vancouver Island to the west and mountains to the east and north.
- 谁真正统治着这个国家?Who really governs this country?
- 展品周围环绕着月桂树叶.The display was wreathed in/with laurel.
- 在过去十年里,这个山谷的林木被大肆采伐。This valley was lumbered hard, during the past decade.
- 很多人都认为温哥华是最美丽的城市,因为它东部和北部群山环绕,西临太平洋。Many people think it is the most beautiful city in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east, and the Pacific Ocean on the west.