- 地美菲康Adimefilcon A(接触镜原材料)
- 美America
- 美菲康Morphine Hydrochloride-Southwest Pharm
- 尔so
- 盐酸吗啡缓释片(美菲康)morphine hydrochloride sustained-release tablets(Morphine)
- 欧美occident
- 菲尔智力超群。Phil has uncommon intelligence.
- 菲luxurious
- 达尔康盾Dalkon shield
- 依拉菲康Aelastofilcon A(接触镜原材料)
- 亲美菲人的Filamerican
- 弗尔康联轴节Vulcan coupling
- 切斯特菲尔德英格兰中北部城市,位于设菲尔德以南。是重要的工业中心。人口96,300A city of north-central England south of Sheffield. It is an important industrial center. Population,96,300.
- 地美福康Adimefocon A(接触镜原材料)
- 美菲关系的全面升温及其影响Overall Warming-up Relations of America and the Philippines and Its Impacts
- 维尔康胶囊Wei' erkang Capsule
- 艾菲尔阶eifelian
- 诺尔康洗剂Nuo Erkang lotion
- 美菲两国政府指称阿布沙伊夫回教叛军与盖达组织有关。Both U.S. and Philippine government claimed that Abu Sayyaf Muslim rebels are linked to al-Qaeda organization.
- 复尔康注射液Fuerkang Injection