- 中东的一个共和国;是古代美索不达米亚文明的所在地a republic in the Middle East; the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was in the area now known as Iraq
- 中东的一个共和国;是古代美索不达米亚文明的所在地。a republic in the Middle East; the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was in the area now known as Iraq.
- 我们这会儿即将进入持续一千年的战争时期,以前完全分离的美索不达米亚文明和尼罗河文明之间冲突不断。We are entering now upon a thousand years of warfare between the once quite separated civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Nile.
- 文明civilization
- 文明的enlightened
- 不文明barbarism
- 人类文明human civilization
- 尘土中的化学物质使科学家可以确定它们来自美索不达米亚高原。Chemical traces in the dust allowed the scientists to pinpoint its origins in Mesopotamia.
- 文明社会civilization
- 不文明的unenlightened
- 文明人civilized person
- 在悠久的历史长河中人类逐渐脱离野蛮状态而进入文明。Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history.
- 生态文明conservation culture
- 文明单位model establishment
- 中华文明Chinese civilization
- 现代文明modern civilization
- 工业文明industrial civilization
- 文明城市civilized city